Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Go Spritle Racer Go

Still feels weird going to get lunch by self...

Got my Google Reader to zero for the first time since before DragonCon durring lunch. Not all were read because I did some feed trimming.

Dropped off some blankets and pillows to Goodwill.

Picked up the Speed Racer BluRay. Still amazing but if you missed it in the theater you missed out. I also really liked the special features.

Played some Disgaea 3 and Incredible Hulk. Got a remote sensor bar so I can now Wii again. I predict some Boom Blox in my future.

Going to read some Wolverine Lifeblood and then hopefully get some sleep.


Unknown said...

Hey PalinDrome, how is Disgaea 3? I've been thinking about getting it.

By the way, I see that you've got a Wii and PS3... do you also have an Xbox 360? If you don't, I suggest you take a look at this Stacker 2 contest going on where you can win the system of your choice just by designing a 6 Hour Power t-shirt. Right now there are less than 350 entrants, and there are also weekly prizes to win such as the upcoming action RPG Rise of the Argonauts and 6 Hour Power energy shots (which are great for gaming sessions). For contest details, go here: http://www.brickfish.com/Entertainment/Stacker2?tab=overview

By the way, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by commenting on your blog. I work with 6HP so if you have any questions about the contest or the 6HP drink itself just let me know. Be sure to tell me if you do enter, as I'd be happy to vote for your designs. Good luck.

Franklin Keane

PalinDrome said...

Disgaea 3 is more of the same. Pure Awesomeness. So far I have seen nothing that could not have been done on the PS2 though...

I do have a 360.

And I have no problem with the shilling as long as you contribute to the discussion.

Unknown said...

That's cool of you, PalinDrome. It's a shame Disgaea 3 doesn't really utilize the PS3's abilities, but at least it's still awesome!

If you've got any PS3/360-less friends that might be interested in entering the contest, that would be cool if you gave them a heads up on it. If they enter, let 'em know that they should shoot me an e-mail and I'll definitely vote for their designs. Thanks. Have a great day.

Franklin Keane