Friday, January 15, 2010

Missing Motivation (If found please return. There is a reward)

I have a crap load of work to do. My startup has been pushed from Monday to Wednesday, but that really does not help if I can't concentrate. Maybe I should go into the office and work tomorrow since no one will be there...

Did laundry while trying to work. Always a blast.

Tom's pirate themed 40th birthday party at the Stop. Lots of awesome people showed up. Left early so I could watch the 2nd to last Dollhouse before hitting the hay.

I am so screwed if I don't find the motivation that was last seen in North Dakota. I hope I did not leave it in the hotel room.

Got my x-mas gift from Jason B. I am looking forward to playing Borderlands with him when I get caught up.

I have really been sucked into Under The Dome. Even though I have a lot of podcasts to listen too, I am spending all my car time listening to this book. Plus I tend to have it on as I just walk from room to room.

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