Thursday, July 31, 2008

Holy Crap Parking Spots

After a year there are finally some guest parking spots in my complex again The construction crew is wrapping up and moved their trailer today freeing up 6 guest spots.

Went to work today... Still a little stuffed up though but no longer feverish or aching.

Had dinner with Kendrix and a large group of the gang. Much conversation.

Finished Metal Gear Solid 4. Overall I would rate it a B-. Too many cutscenes and not enough sneaking. But it looked nice.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How I Spent My Wednesday

Stayed home to kick the con-SARS in the ass. Not having the home set up kind of makes being sick kind of sucky. Normally I can watch stuff recorded on the downstairs Tivo on the bedroom Tivo but since the bedroom is in pieces I had to get up to watch TV :( I guess it is for the best because the air mattress is not that awesome for spending lots of time on.

Watched Wipeout, I Survived A Japanees Gameshow, Mad Men, Burn Notice, Last Comic Standing, and the last of Death Note.

Hit Target for some cold medicine and found two of the new Crisis figures. I totally love this set.

Stoped at the Stop and got my comics.

Early bed time...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Either that or airplane SARS. I was feeling fine until I woke up this morning. Now I have a sore throught and ache all over. Yuck.

Left work early and watched Stargate Continuum. Which was fun but predictable.

Got my plane reservations for DragonCon. Apparently Froggy is going to have a team of 12 assistants. This should be interesting...

I also caught up on some tv with Middleman, Psych, Wipeout, BWE and I survived a Japanees Gameshow.

Read some more Who Can Save Us Now? I am really digging.

Early bed to see if I can get better.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Take Me Home

Made it home for a Comic Monday...

Took flight from San Diego to Salt Lake City to Seattle. Got a ride from 20 'cause he da' man. Grabed food and comics and had an uneventful night.

Read a bunch of Who Can Save Us? On the plane. Also finished The Plot to Save Socrates. It was really quite interesting. Recommended if you like complex time travel stories.

Watched Doctor Who, Stargate: Atlantis, and Venture Bros.

Played some FFTA2.

Back to work tomorrow. And after work I will revamp my email system so that I am not using a catch-all since I received over 2,000 email bounce backs since Friday.

Even the buses are topless

Last day of the con. It rocked. Had a great time and did lot of cool things.

I am apparently now a part of the Dharma Institute.

I now have 5 more shirts then hangers.

Neil Gaimen on Batman.

Legion on Smallville writen by Johns.

Starfleet has a shortage of Welders.

Still reading Who Can Save Us and playing FFTA2.

Late night going to bed...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I feel safer allready

As seen in many of the buisnesses in San Diego.

I am still a con man. Started the day in line with Drew to get in line for the Heroes panel. They showed us the first episode of the season. Which was cool.

From there Drew and I went upstairs to Room 20 so that we could see the Dollhouse and Battlestar panels. Nothing exciting in the Dollhouse panel. Just Josh and Helo from Battlestar hitting on Eliza. The Battlestar panel was cool because it was moderated by Kevin Smith who kept the conversation flowing and brought out the humor out of the cast. They also showed us the trailer for Caprica which looks interesting but not what I expected.

After that I started wandering the floor on a swag hunt. I bought for my self some really cool Ultimate Goodzilla figures.

While I was wandering I ran across the start of the Fringe scavenger hunt. I figured I had some time to kill so why not. The first clue sent me about 10 feet away. This was looking really easy. The second clue was a street corner about 6 blocks from the center. There I found a storage container filled with bottles of Ginger Ale. On the bottle was anouther address where I found a pen of cows. There I found anouther address and promptly headed in the wrong direction. I wish I could say that I quickly realized my mistake. After a cource correction I ended up at a parking garage where on the roof they had an inflatable screen for showing the pilot. I was not going to subject myself to that again so I took my t-shirt and headed back to the hotel.

After a quick recharge I headed back and watched the first three episodes of Wolverine and the X-men. I had a young man with a HUGE head and an afro in front of me so it was not the greatest viewing situation but I really thought it was pretty cool.

Still reading Who Can Save Us Now and listening to The Plot to Save Socrates. One thing that bugs me about The Plot is that they keep mentioning that everyone knows how Socrates died. Am I the only one that did not?

Still playing FFTA2. I think the battery life in my DS is shorter than it should be. I don't think I got five hours of play before the red light turned on.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Despite General Consensus Con-goers are Apparently Not Aliens

More con-ing. Not as an early start but still got there before the doors opened. Finished up with getting all the pictures I wanted to take. Overall Swag factor for the Day was positive.

Got the exclusive Lego Indy set. Totally not worth the cost but I am still glad I got. I also got a Joker and Batman Mini-fig set for playing Lego Batman that was kind of cool too.

Stood in line to get in the room for the Venture Bros Panel. Met a nice women in front of me in line. We will see if she actually calls me tomorrow or not.

I was blown away with the number of people that give a shit about Ghost Hunters. I figures that was going to be a dead spot in the schedule but it turns out it was not. We got in when over half the room cleared after the panel got out. The Xbox 360 original content looks interesting. Basically Horror directors given 10 grand to make a 10 minute comedy short.

I have a new favorite Ice Cream. Cinamon Bun from Ben and Jerry's. Oh so good.

Read some more Who Can Save Us Now? I really dug the 3rd story.

Played some more FFTA2.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Best Swag Ever?

Found in a swag bag that Drew won in a raffle today.

Still in San Diego. Gots some swag for myself and others. Have not found anything that really interests me for me yet...

Started Who Can Save Us Now? It is a book of short stories about superheroes. The 1st story is an interesting take on the Lois Lane archetype.

Played some FFTA2 while I was waiting for the Doctor Who panel to start. I am really enjoying the game so far.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Da Plane, Da Plane

Took some jet planes to San Diego. Go Comicon!

Watched Be Kind Rewind on the Plane. The most normal Gonrea movie of all time. I have no have no idea how to spell his name.

The has been really fun. It is great to hang out with Drew and Jim. If you want to see more read my twitter:

Watch the Fringe pilot. It sucked

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ready to Go!!

All packed and can't wait for my trip to San Diego to begin. With the new work responsibilities and the ongoing work on the condo, I was kind of dreading being out of town. Then suddenly I found myself really looking forward to this trip. I predict that I will have an awesome time hanging with Jim and Drew!!

I am glad I got the replacement plan on my Jawbone because it broke today. But Best Buy made the replacement really easy so I have a new charging as I type.

No JLU figures yet. Just empty pegs taunting me. Now I will have to wait until I return.

Went to the paint store and talked about how to paint the trim. Turns out they were out of the paint I needed so I will need to go back upon my return.

Started and finished Act IV in MGS4. Spoiler warning... You finally get to take a Metal Gear against anouther Metal Gear!!

Started a audiobook today. I think it is called The Plot to rescue Scorates. It is a novel about time travel. I am still tring to figure out what exactly is going on because so far each chapter has taken place in a different time period with a time traveler interacting witht the locals but not wanting to explain the how's and the why's.

Watched The Middleman and a large chunk of Weeds. I also watched a couple of episodes of Dinosaurs on DVD while packing.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Best Layed Plans

I was going to clean house and pack tonight. Instead I discover that Final Fantasy Tactics A2 was out. I have no will power.

While I was at Target I noticed the the action figure isle has been reset for the new Justice League figures...

Only TV tonight was the Venture Bros.

Finished Act III in Metal Gear Soild 4.

Played the first 3 quests in FFTA2.

Read some more A Confederacy of Dunces.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thank You for Participating

Spent the day playtesting again. Ended up replacing my Crackdown rackdown and Halo 3 and picking up Lost Odessy for me and Ninja Gaiden 2 for Duece. I was the first one to finish the session not that it was a race or anything... Yes it was. I rulez!! Spent some time in a one on one sesion afterwards, I guess they have my file marked with my Mutant Ability to find fault in things... Crap does that mean I have harnassed my powers for good...

My 1st Gen iPod Nano is still chugging along but its battery is not holding a charge very well. So I made the call to replace it as my travel music machine with a 16 Gig iPod Touch. My thought is that I could also use it as my airplane movie watcher as well since the PSP is so uncofortable to watch movies with. But the PSP is still better then dragging out a portable DVD player or Laptop.

Watched Psych, Burn Notice and Last Comic Standing.

I am still reading A Confederacy of Dunces. I talked to the Microsoft Developer about the book and he said he had the same comments as me and that while it remains interesting it never gets funny. I have desided that it has three days to entertain me or it is going to be dropped. I can't remember the last book that I was unable to finish.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Photo Proof of my Awesome

Technically this a picture from yesterday but since I got a chance to break out my work awesome again this morning I thought it was apropreate. This is the PLC that a programmed into submission yesterday. Would of been even quicker if they would have just accepted that I was correct the first three times I told them where the problem was. What ever will be will be.

The day started before yesterday ended with the midnight showing of the IMAX version of The Dark Knight. I liked it a lot. I want to post spoilers but will hold back.

Got home at about 3 and desided that I would dial in and check out the upgrade that was performed in Los Angelas. This was the first time I had been in there system since I rebuilt my laptop a couple of months ago and I could not find the system description anywhere. So after a while I sent out an info request and got to bed a little after 4.

I ended up waking up at 6:30 and could not fall back to sleep. I checked my email and found the info that I needed so that I was able to checkout the upgrade and verify operation.

I then watched BWE, Doctor Who, and Stargate: Atlantis before heading out.

I participated in day one of a two day playtest at Microsoft. I can't say what I was doing there and I should not even mention this but there is a condom in involved.

After the playtest I ended up hooking up with Q for Dairy Queen, George, Dr Horrible, and Ivar's. In that order actually.

Still reading A ConfederaCY of Dunces. It is still the best sleep aid ever and still not making me laugh out loud till my belly aches and my eyes water.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dark Knight on a dark night

Currently in the Imax theater waiting for Dark Knight.

Got up early to get some stuff done before I had to go to a troubleshooting trip. I rocked the trip though and solved there problem with my code nijitsu.

Played some more MGS4 started Act 3.

No reading today....

Movie starting...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Light at End of Tunnel

Is not a train!

They put the porch lights back up today. One more sign that the heck is almost over. I am still not sold on the new colors though.

Work was all over today. I have no idea how Scott ever had time for his motorcycle porn...

Got a haircut today. I think I need to keep looking for a hair place. This place is just a little too white trash for me to feel comfortable at.

Wrapped Q's birthday present. One advantage to never being home on recycle/trash day is the large number of boxes to choose from come wrapping time.

Watched the rest of the seasons Simpsons and an American Dad. Also watched an episode of Dinosaurs on DVD while sorting clothes.

Still reading A Confederation of Dunces. I think this book is a sleep aid for me. I tried to read a bit when I got home and ended up taking a nap. That probably means that I won't be able to sleep tonight unless aCoD does its magic.

Crap forgot to mention that I have started playing MGS4 again. Finished Act II today.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Teriyaki Wednesday

For about 10 years now, me and some of the guys at work have been going to Bento Teriyaki for lunch at least one day a week. Originally it was Thursday but it soon switched to it current location of Wednesday. We would always get it to go and would call ahead. Since Scott was the person that usually called since I was driving, they got to know the collective us as Scott Today was my first Teri run since Scott moved on.

Yipee Comic Wednesday. Very small week actually under $40. All comics read in short order.

Mary Anne had surgery today for her hurt elbow. Hopefully she gets super powers with the new elbow.

Borrowed and watched Enchanted from Tom. I really like parts of it and really disliked parts of it. I am thinking slightly more bad than good.

Watched Wipeout and I Survived a Japanese Gameshow. Sad Paul :( Mary is eliminated.

Still reading A Confederation of Dunces. Need to start hustling because I want it finished before I leave on vacation...

Halfway through the 1st week of the 100 pushup challenge. The challenge is that buy the end of six weeks you should be able to do 100 pushups without stopping. Today I did 59 but that includes planned rest breaks.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pain in my Foot

To facilate the painting of the stairs we removed the carpet from the upper stairwell. What I was not expecting was the little nails that my feet just seem to not be able to get enough of.

Work is work. Not doing anything fun at the moment.

Tried out a Temperpedic mattress at Brookstone. I think when I replace the waterbed I will probable switch to one of these. If it was not the 6k that I have spent on the remodling I would probably make the switch after the carpet...

Cleaned the kitchen today while watching the last two Reapers. I really like the end of the season and am looking forward to the shows return in the fall. A feeling I did not have before the writers strike. I also watched the new Middleman. I am really digging this show.

Picked and watched The Bank Heist. It was a bit of a bin there and done that but the fact that this is the true story that spawned all the digging into the vault stories makes it kind of special.

Still reading A Confederation of Dunces.

Was very disapointed that Dr Horrible's debut was screwed by a lack of bandwidth. Hopefully they will solve the problem tommorow.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Welcome back big guy

It was nice to be in the office for the 1st time this month.

Spent the evening watching TV while picking up. It is the first time I have had the big screen on in almost a month. I had forgot how nice it is to watch TV on a large screen.

Jim called and told me that my Crackdown case was empty so I did an inventory and found my Halo 3 case also empty and the manual for Mass Effect also missing. My first thought is one of the contractors but why did they not take the case? Second thought is a Paulflix rental but why did they not take the case?

I ordered a new cell phone battery for my phone. Currently I have to charge it every night because if I don't it goes from 70% to 10% half way through the second day. I went with an OEM battery instead of one of the many second party ones.

Watched Venture Bros, 3 episodes of Reaper, Simpsons, and Family Guy.

Still reading A Confederation of Dunces. Actually might be getting interesting...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mission Accomplished

All that is left is some touch up and the clean up. I was surprised how much of my day was tied up doing the last little bit where the fireplace once resided.

So someone is using my domain as a spam return address. Basically I went from getting 10 to 50 spam messages a day to over 250 a day for the last few days. Almost all of these messages are auto reject messages from the original target of the spam. This is the forth time this has happened to me and just when I make the decision to switch from a catch-all approach to selective approch it has stopped. Lets hope it is soon because it is making this update process much more time consuming.

Still reading A Confederation of Dunces.About 25 % into the book and I have really felt that it is "one of the funniest books ever written". Maybe I just can't find a common view point in a spoiled lazy adult that still lives with he mother.

Watch a ton of TV today. Doctor Who, Stargate: Atlantis, Wipeout(Twoto an Eskimo virgin makes it across the Big Balls but can not find the pole. That is Irony staring you smake dab in the face), I Survived A Japanese Gameshow, BWE, Last Comic Standing(Ester Ku hot but not funny), Middleman, and Burn Notice.

Placed my carpet order. I can't wait for this hell to be over so I can get my life back...

Operation Paint Day 3

I know this is late but I have an excuse. I went to see Hellboy 2 in celebration of the paint progress. Mom, Steve, Quiana, Jim and Jason helped me knock out everything but the area where the fireplace was. That could have been done too but Quiana's Uncle Brad came over and fixed the wall texture so that it looks a ton better.

Hellboy 2 was awesome. I have not desided if that or Iron Man is my pick for the 2nd best movie of the summer. I am leaning toward HB2 because it is the Dark Horse canidate... Pun-o-rific tonight. Just an asside this has been a amazing summer for movies.

Going to read a couple of chapters of Confederation before I hit the air mattress.

EDIT: For some reason this post did not make it to Blogger. I just resent and it showed up, so I edited the sent time to put it in its proper place.

Friday, July 11, 2008

If you keep everyone busy rowing they won't have time to rock the boat

Returned home today.

Comic Friday. There was a lot of crap that was not mine in my box. It really through me off.

Started taping off molding and doors to make tommorows paint go faster.

No TV today and all the reading was comics.

WebEdit: Looks like the Picture was the problem with the original email... Here it is. If you have a reader sorry about the multiple posts...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fire Fire

I may not be a big fan of Spokane, but I am not a pyro. Plus I have an alabi.

I just found a typo in the email address I use for these messages. I would hate to miss two in a week because of stupidity...

Thankfully today was only an 11 hour day. Limited production again but went pretty well.

Watched Superhero Movie. I found myself laughing aloud more than once and while I felt they relied on scene parady more than I like they did do a good job of general parody as well. It is hard to go wrong with Leslie Nelson

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pretty Flowers

Taken a couple of days ago on my walk back to the hotel from dinner.

14 hour day...

I was able to bring Scott in to help so I am pretty sure development is largly done. At that is left is to get some production going...

Finished the incredible Hulk novelitation. Just like the movies it was good but not as good as Iron Man.

I am going to bed now.

FW: Jawbone on an Ass

NOTE: was sent last night but to wrong address

Still in Spokane... Another long day.

Over the weekend I picked up a Jawbone II wireless headset. I really like my Blue Ant but I somehow broke the mic so no one could hear me very well. I learned my lesson this time and got the replacement plan at Best Buy so next time I can get a replacement on someone else. I did make a call with the device while in a noisy section of the plant and my callee could hear me quite well.

Picked up and watched the Batman Gotham Knight DVD. I must say that it was very good.

Only TV was Morning Express with "Robot" Meade. She still creeps me out...

Sill reading The Incredible Hulk novelitation...

The front desk ran out of cookies but they were able to find me some A&W Root Beer Barrels. Yumm.

Joined Twitter today. So far not that impressed seams like IM but not as good. Twitter name: sirpalindrome

I don't know what is going on. Either the women in Spokane are very desperate or I am starting to loose my fragile grip on reality. Today I had two different women that were not unpleasant to look at flirt with me. I think I need to remember that they are paid to be nice to me... And that Spokane really sucks.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Another week a different hotel room

Back in Spokane :( Same hotel but it is mirrored version of the room I have had the last three times I have stayed here. It is a little disconserting.

Watched the Venture Bros, Wipeout and I Survived a Japanese Gameshow on the Interwebs. Quick comment to I like the ability to watch programs I missed on the internet. I have no problem watching comercials for the privilege of watching missed programs. I do have a problem with having the program come back from the comercial after skipping 5 plus minutes of the show and having no good way to get back to where I was precommertial. I was able to have more luck using IE but it was still a substandard experience.

Still reading Incredible Hulk novelitation. Been very tired at bedtime so have not had much reading time.

Took a couple of hours to try and catch up on my Google Reader-ing while I was watching some TV on the internet. I sure missed the internet durring Operation Paint.

Exchanged a brief email with Chris turns out Billings still boring.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Meet the Lamper

Today was Operation Paint Day 2. Got the lower stairwell and the accent wall in the living room done and the first coat on the non-accent walls in the office. Operation Paint is now on hold until next weekend since 3 will be going to back to Spokane tomorrow.

I took a break from painting after my parents headed south to pick up some items that I needed for my trip. Although it was not needed I have been facinated be the Lamper since I saw it with Duece on Friday. It is the bastard love child of a laundry basket and a hamper. I love useful bastard love children. Where would fast food be without the spork? I am pretty sure that a corelation can be observed between the obesity problems in america and the introduction of the spork.

Watched the weeks Best Week Ever and a Reaper from May.

I also watched Sidekick on DVD. It was probably the best indy superhero flick I have ever sceen. The basic premise is that a nerd discovers that a coworker has super powers and takes on the role of the mentor of the super hero, but this being the "real" world things don't go as planned for our young nerd. Plus it has Danial Baldwin as the comic store owner.

Read some more of the Incredible Hulk. I think this is based on the Ed Norton because there is a lot of Jiber Jaber. So far not as good as the Iron Man novelitation.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Operation Paint Day 1

In typing up the title for this post, I acidently typed Operation Pain instead of Paint. That typo pretty much sums up the day. Started at 5:30 when my Mom, Steve and I went to the Home Despot to buy a bunch of supplies for the operation. At about 10 the awesome-ness that is Quiana and cousin Sean showed up to get paint in their hair. Q worked her tail off and painted over half of the ceilings and trimmed a third of the kitchen. Sean spilled paint on the soon to be replaced carpet and ate pizza.

The numbers:
Trips to Home Despot: 4
Trips to paint store: 1
Ceilings painted: All (white)
Walls painted: 5
Walls inprocess of being trimmed: 6
Walls untouched: 9
Chances of competing this weekend: 0

No TV. Read a little Incredible Hulk before lights out.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Found In The Home Despot's Parking Lot

Mood: Passive Agresive.

Bought the paint for the big weekend paintathon.

Went and saw Hancock with Duece, Jim and Quiana. I really had a fun time. I was glad it was not the Demon in the Bottle story so Iron Man 2 can still use that as its source of inspiration.

Enjoyed a long lunch with my conversation and mocking of me. Did not go to a second movie so that I could wait for someone how did not show.

Went to George's for some awesome BBQ with the gang. Left early to meet up with the 'rents.

Did some drywall sanding to prepare for tomorrow. More of that damn dust everywhere... I don't know why I keep cleaning.

Finished The Ashes of Worlds. I liked how Anderson tied it all up together, but was a little disapointed that everything was wrapped up so neatly. It is kind of like the world started out like Babylon 5, transitioned into Battlestar Galactica, but ended up like Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Started reading the Incredible Hulk novelitation. This one is also be Peter David.

It is going to be an early rise so that I can paint like the wind but the fireworks are going to make it a late night.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

If only we had some fried chicken we could go faster

- Beau

Bonus point to anyone that gets the referance.

Went in to the office to answer some emails and get the packages that have come in while I was away. My 360 was scheduled to arrive on Monday but as you can see was delayed by weather untill later today.

I did get my order of DVD Disksocks Pros that I ordered. I have for some time wanted some sort of storage system that kept the disks and the cover together while removing the bulk of the box. In my internet searching I found disksocks. They seam to fit the bill and after I find some free time I will see if they will meet my needs in the long term.

Spent the day with Beau and Sean doing pre work for this weekends big painting project. This mostly consisted of the orderly decreasing of the potential energy of large quantities of stuff. I also made the call to disasemble many of the Lego sets that I have had on display for some time.

Finished listening to Dexter Dreaming Darkly. The TV show is still better.

Watched the third Middleman. Still on the fence but I think I am going to fall on the positive side.

Reread the first 3 issues of Batman RIP. This is a very trippy story and Tony Danial's art kind of blows. I have a difficult time telling one character from anouther through out the issues.

Read the 1st Incredible Hecules trade. I liked it but it did not live up to the hype that has been dropped on this book the last few months.

Read some more of The Ashes of Worlds but not as much as I would like since I need to get up early to buy the weekends paint.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Why would anyone order this

Returned from Spokane today. Even made back in time to enjoy comic wedneday.

The condo was and still is sweltering... I really hope it cools off over night. There is also so funkey smell that I hope is the deck stain and that it goes away quickly.

I am very tired tonight hopefully that will translate into a good nights sleep.

Read some more The Ashes of Worlds plus all of this weeks comics.

Watched the rest of the season of the spectacular spider-man. I am a big fan.

Forgot to mention that on Sunday I started listening to Dexter Dreaming Darkly. If you have seen the series don't bother with this book. It is basically the same story as the first season but the tv show actually expands on the story much to its benefit.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Anti-Graffiti Art

I have been facinated by what I like to refer to as anti-graffiti art. The act of covering up graffiti has created art in its own right. I could see some enterprising young tagger creating specially designed graffiti then when it is covered up creates a new picture. I think I may be in need of some sleep...

Anouther long day not hot thankfully. I got frustrated at the local project manager. Which in turn made me flustered. I really really hate being flustered.

No tv today thanks to The Ashes of Worlds. 206 of 478 pages read. Not bad considering back to back 12 hour days... I would talk about the book but I really can't talk about what is going on without spoiling important plot twists from the first six books. Let me just say if you lake SciFi series with lots interesting characters you could do worse then "The Saga of the Seven Suns"

I must slow down with the elipses...

It has been thundering for the last couple hours. At first I was quite pleased with the sound of the rain on the windows. Now I wish it would stop so I could get some sleep...